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Mobile Is Dooming Itself: Cool Things Shouldn’t Destroy The Continued Development Of Useful Things


I know, I know, I said I didn’t care about what CES had to offer this year. I figured that if I spent the next few days just reading web comics and Mac news, I’d be able to avoid any news coming out of that once hyper-exciting event.

Alas, it wasn’t meant to be. Leander Kahney, the editor over at Cult of Mac, wrote up this little ditty about the current state of Consumer Electronics and where all the sales are coming from. In short, smartphones and tablets are eating up all of our spending dollars, to the exclusion of pretty much every other device type, other than high-end cameras (which are kind of niche comparatively, anyway).

I say this as someone who is passionately committed to seeing the mobile space and cloud computing grow; this is very bad news for all of us.

I spend the majority of my days away from my office. I work out of coffee shops, client’s offices and, occasionally, Mexican villas. I love and depend on mobile technology to make my work life possible. But I also, even though I hardly ever use them in person, depend on things like my desktop, standard sized laptops, Blu-Ray player etc. Without those tools, my mobile life would significantly less convenient.  Read the rest of this entry